State Laws Have Become Very Strict about Drinking and Driving. If You’ve Been Convicted of an OWI/DUI, Chances are Pretty Good You Will Be Required to Obtain a Breathalyzer to Maintain Driving Privileges. Most First Offenses Require Anywhere from Six Months to a Year Term.
The Device is Simple and Extremely Common. The Breathalyzer is Fairly Small and Handheld. Once Your Account is Set Up and Your Appointment is Scheduled the Unit will be Installed In your Vehicle. Most Installations Take Anywhere From 2-3 Hours.
The Handheld Will Require a Sample of Your Breath Every Time You Attempt to Start Your Vehicle. Once passed The Vehicle Starts like Normal. If Alcohol is Present the Vehicle Fails to Start, Advising the Client of a Violation. All Violations Require Re-calibration, this is Done at Our Facility.
In Order to Maintain Strict Requirements, the Unit Must Be Calibrated at Our Facility Every Two Months. Violations are Separate from Monthly Calibrations. Both Lockouts and Monthly Calibrations are Short and Can Be Done While You Wait. If You’d Like to Learn More About Functionality, Pricing, and Availability Give Us a Call Today.
Certified Services
​Call for Consult.
Installations, Calibrations, Removals
3110 Cedar Cross Ct.
Dubuque, IA 52003
Monday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm
Lockout Resets
​Call for Consult.
Lockouts, Calibrations, Inspections
3110 Cedar Cross Ct.
Dubuque, IA 52003
Monday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm